What is Lead Generation? Strategy and Best Practices
Lead generation is a central focus for any B2B organization that’s interested in driving consistent and reliable revenue. It’s an extremely important topic with vital implications, so we’re giving it the attention it deserves. Read on to learn about all things B2B lead generation — what it is, why it matters, and how to get it right in the modern digital marketplace. What is Lead Generation? Lead generation encompasses all activities relating to the identification and cultivation of potential customers. Companies use a variety of sales and marketing tactics to generate leads (as we’ll cover shortly), but one way or the other, it is essential to have well-defined processes in place. Relative to the B2C version, B2B lead generation tends to be more acutely targeted. If you sell tennis shoes, almost anyone could be a viable lead. If you sell content management software, the market is decidedly more distinct. High levels of competition and crowded marketplaces...